Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sunscreen for your feet?

Yesterday marked the first day of summer, and it sure felt like it with temperatures climbing into the 90s.  The summer sun is great but it is very important to keep your skin protected from the harsh UV rays, even the skin on your feet.  Skin cancer can develop anywhere on the body, including your feet.  Learn the ABCD's of melanoma and monitor your feet. If you notice a mole or bump on your skin that has any of the following characteristics, see your podiatrist immediately.

A- Assymetry (If the lesion is divided in half, the sides don't match)
B- Borders (Borders look scalloped, uneven, or ragged)
C- Color (There may be more than one color. These colors may have an uneven distribution.)
D- Diameter (The lesion is wider than a pencil eraser)*

What Are Skin Cancers of the Feet?
Skin cancer can develop anywhere on the body, including in the lower extremities. Skin cancers of the feet have several features in common. Most are painless, and often there is a history of recurrent cracking, bleeding, or ulceration. Frequently, individuals discover their skin cancer after unrelated ailments near the affected site.*
We often view the sun’s harmful rays as the primary cause of skin cancer; the condition is often found on parts of the body that receive the most sun exposure. Skin cancers of the feet, however, are more often related to viruses, exposure to chemicals, chronic inflammation or irritation, or inherited traits. Unfortunately, the skin of the feet is often overlooked during routine medical examinations, and for this reason, it important that the feet are checked regularly for abnormalities that might indicate evolving skin cancer.To prevent skin cancer from developing on your feet, limit sun exposure and be sure to apply a sunscreen to your feet and ankles when outdoors and feet are exposed.* 

Call our office (419-423-1888) or visit our website to request an appointment.


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