Friday, June 12, 2009

Podiatrists and Warts

Warts are caused by a virus that generally enters the body through small nicks or abrasions in the skin. When they occur on the soles of the feet they are known as plantar warts. Due to the amount of pressure that is put on the feet in the course of a day, plantar wart can become quite painful. Teenagers between the ages of 12-16 are most commonly infected by warts but they can occur at any age. Warts are often contracted by walking barefoot on dirty surfaces or ground. The virus thrives in warm, moist environments like showers and swimming pools.

If you suspect that you or a family member has a plantar wart it is wise to see a podiatrist to get a correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatments may include the use of wart-removal preparation or CO2 laser cautery performed under local anesthesia to safely remove the wart.

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