Monday, May 18, 2009

Basic Advice for the Care of Diabetic Feet

-Inspect your feet every day.
-Keep your feet clean and dry.
-Always keep your feet warm.
-Take extra care drying your feet and toes after showering. Pay special attention to the space between your toes.
-Be sure to exercise. Walking is one of the best exercises for diabetics unless you have complications. If you struggle with balance use a cane.
-Always protect your feet and legs. Never walk barefoot. Avoid hot water bottles and heating pads.
-Do not overexpose to the sun.
-If your skin is dry use moisturizing cream or lotion daily. Do not, however, apply it between the toes.
-Cut your toenails straight across and even with the skin on the end of your toes. Do not cut into the corners. If you can't see or reach your toenails have someone else do it for you.
-Never use razor blades, knives, scissors or medical corn/wart removers.
-Look for redness, blisters, scratches, cracks between the toes, discoloration or any other change.
-Avoid all actions that diminish circulation such as tobacco use, sitting with legs crossed, and circular elastic garters.
-Change your shoes and socks daily.
-Wear soft leather shoes that conform to the shape of your foot.
-Gradually "break in" new shoes and avoid blisters.
-Call us if you see any changes in your feet (419)423-1888!

1 comment:

Foot Care said...

This is a very good article. These tips can also be used to prevent foot problems in the future as well, such as foot odor, infections, etc.

foot pain